Alexa Translations is dedicated to communities both locally and internationally.

Our CEO, Gary Kalaci first saw the value of language services as a volunteer interpreter for refugees during the Kosovo War. After moving from Albania to Canada, Gary became a certified interpreter for the Ministry of the Attorney General and continued to leverage his language skills and passion for helping others. Today, Alexa Translations carries that same mantle of social responsibility to support a wide stream of national and international causes.

Women in Governance

Women in Governance, founded in 2010, is a Canadian non-profit organization devoted to empowering women through professional development. The organization is committed to bridging the gender divide in the workplace, ensuring access to Board seats, and removing obstacles to women's advancement across all levels of the organizational ladder. Alexa Translations is pleased to partner with organizations like Women in Governance and promote equality, mentorship, and inclusion.


Women General Counsel Canada (WGCC)

The Women General Counsel Canada (WGCC) is a member-driven group founded by women in general counsel and legal executive roles, collaborating and networking to enhance the success of women in the legal field. Since its establishment in 2013, the WGCC has organized networking events, mentored emerging women in business, fostered relationships, and developed leadership skills. Alexa Translations is delighted to support the cause of promoting and encouraging a more collaborative society, particularly within the legal profession.


The Outlaw Ocean Project

The Outlaw Ocean Project is a non-profit journalism organization based in Washington D.C., that is committed to producing investigative stories involving the ocean realm, which is home to a number of urgent concerns that are all too often overlooked. As proud partners, we are committed to aiding and accelerating their mission to spread the word and reach a younger and more international audience while breaking language barriers in a way that makes an important impact.


War Child Canada

Alexa Translations is proud to announce its partnership with War Child Canada, an organization that aims to minimise the long-term losses children suffer in war and conflict-torn countries by offering safe and consistent access to education; helping families escape poverty; and providing legal support for survivors of sexual violence and abuse.

Windsor Law


The Alexa Translations Scholarship in Law is awarded to a law student from any year of study with financial need. It was established in 2021. Student awards are critical assistance for the student body, allowing students to dedicate more time to their academic study and social endeavors.



While earning his M.B.A. and J.D. at the University of Windsor, Gary founded Golden Future South Africa, a community organization with the mission to foster and promote sustainable change and empower youth in the Khayelitsha Township, near Cape Town, South Africa. On the annual volunteer trip to Khayelitsha, committee members host interactive modules for high school students on economic sustainability and growth, sexual health, and community resource awareness.

Golden Future South Africa

Alexa Translations has been the lead financial sponsor of Golden Future South Africa since the project was in its infancy. Through its support of the program, more than 400 volunteers have impacted thousands of young lives in Khayelitsha.

Junior Achievement


Gary’s social engagement and leadership influence have also led him to sit on the board of directors at Junior Achievement Americas.

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