Our expert linguists are specialized in the securities industry. Our team is comprised of expert lawyer-linguists, including Canadian Securities Course (CSC) certified staff with substantial experience in securities law including deep regulatory, stock market, and chartered bank knowledge.
Our reputation in the securities language services industry has been built on the basis of accuracy, reliability, and experience. Our range of securities clients including ETFs, Mutual Funds, and companies listed on various stock exchanges including the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and Toronto Stock Exchange Venture (TSXv) have trusted us to provide them with an unparalleled level of translation services for their most sensitive documentation including the prospectus, AIF, QPD, Fund Facts, and much more.
The Alexa Translations A.I. is our machine learning translation software that creates one of the most accurate translations in the industry. Since the Alexa Translations A.I. launched, it has continuously trained, learned, and updated its terminology in the securities industry which includes SEDAR, financial, regulatory language, and more. We have blended the A.I. with our team of expert linguists to deliver documents at a leading 30,000 words per minute.
Securities commissions regularly require certifications and legal authentications to accompany your document. Due to our full-service solution which includes certified staff, we can provide these documents with your translations as required.
30% to 50%
in savings
on legal opinions related to prospectuses for Mutual Funds and ETFs, when compared to law firms.