Whether you’re a veteran of the business world, fresh out of school, or anyone in between, we all know the importance of staying up to date on technology in the workplace. If you blink, you could miss an innovation that would have saved your organization thousands of dollars in optimizations. Or, worse, your competitors could beat you in the technological arms race and steal your market share.

It is a risk we can’t afford to take.

Here are three ways you can safeguard your business and stay on top of technology trends.

1. Invest Time in Training

The fear of missing out (otherwise known as “FOMO”) is creeping into the business world. No one wants a competitor to beat us to the punch on the latest trend that could grow market share or reduce costs. This is why we invest in the growth of both ourselves and our teams. 

Investing in the education of our internal teams is an important component of choosing and onboarding any new technology. By having internal subject-matter experts (SMEs) you will be better able to communicate your organization’s objectives to prospective partners, asking the right questions to find the perfect fit. This, in turn, ensures that the solution you build together has the best chance of success.

But training staff can be tricky. Anyone who has searched just about any topic on Google knows that there are thousands of opinions and so-called “best practices” floating around out there. Who should you trust?

To ensure you get the best information and training possible, look for webinars and training courses from trusted organizations. Webinar content is often higher quality than random blog articles, including panelists from different organizations. This means you’ll get different perspectives on the topic, rather than the random opinion of someone who isn’t an actual expert.

Looking to learn more about A.I. translations? 

Alexa Translations will launch the updated Foundations in A.I. Machine Translations certification course! You will learn everything you need to know to choose a platform and get the most from it.

Sign up today to learn from experts from across the industry, and start leveraging A.I. before your competitors do.

2. Find Technology Partners with Dedicated Support Teams

One of the biggest reasons companies don’t explore cutting-edge technology is the fear of not having the right internal resources or know-how. Thankfully, many technology companies will provide you with ongoing support to ensure you get the most from their platform or service.  

Alexa Translations, for example, will help build and implement custom A.I. solutions for translations. Then, after the solution has been implemented, you will get a dedicated account manager. This gives you peace of mind that your team can implement A.I. quickly and efficiently and then use it to its fullest potential. 

There is an additional bonus: if you’ve invested in training, per above, then your team will be better equipped to learn from your technology partners, which only increases your chances of success. You’ll be able to speak their language and, in time, your partners will speak your language as well.

However, there are still many technology providers that don’t offer this “white glove” service. This means that your team is on their own to figure out challenges, often with only the help of ad hoc support tickets and faceless support representatives. This is rarely the most effective way to solve challenges.

When choosing a technology partner, regardless of their purpose, make sure they have a team in place to support you when you need it.

3. Check References & Look for Inspiration

While it is important to blaze your own path, there is never harm is seeking inspiration from your competitors. After all, you won’t always be the first company to realize the need for new technology.

Of course, most of us don’t list our vendors on our website, but that doesn’t mean the information isn’t out there.

Most technology companies will showcase the clients they work with - this is called “social proof” in the marketing world. While marketers intend to convince prospective clients to buy a product or service, it can offer you a research tool. For example, you might be interested in which major banks or law firms use Alexa Translations – that information is listed right on our website for all to see, which gives you some competitive intel.

Of course, not every company shares information about their clients. Be sure to ask for references that are relevant to your business. Some technology companies will have case studies you can leverage or even will provide you with the contact information of their clients so you can hear opinions from the source.

You need the peace of mind that you will be investing in the right solution for your business. So make sure that checking references or testimonials is a standard step when selecting a new technology partner.

These are just a few of the ways you and your team can stay current with new technologies. Ultimately, it is up to you to take the steps required to stay ahead of your competitors, as ignoring new technology is a great way to be left behind.

Are you ready to learn about a new technology that can reduce costs, increase accuracy, and optimize your translation projects?

Get certified in A.I. translations! Sign up for the Foundations in A.I. Machine Translations certification course and learn from experts from across the industry, including Joachim Lépine (Co-Founder of LION Translation Academy) and translation guru, Betty Cohen.

The certification course is available starting later this month. Both live sessions or on-demand will be made available so that you can complete it on your own schedule.

We hope to see you there!

The Alexa Translations A.I. platform is leading the way forward with our state-of-the-art platform offerings. To get a better idea of the platform capabilities, click here.

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